Berry Metal Company is the world’s largest Oxygen Lance designer & builder, and the #1 value-added Lance technology supplier in North America.
Berry Metal Company helps optimize BOF efficiency, extend campaign life, and reduce downtime with advanced solutions such as stock line lance tips, lance carriages, top temperature data, and anti-slopping technology. Our innovative approach boosts productivity while minimizing maintenance costs.
Steelmakers cite the following advantages of Berry Metal Company Lances:
- Fast repair capability
- Safety incorporated into water cooled Lance design
- Increased refining performance
- Tip sub-assembly design enables in-house repairs possible using standard welding procedures.
- Partner approach with customers to provide technical support with lance and furnace practices
- Post Combustion technology that reduces lance bending
- Continuous technical innovations to improve safety and refine performance
Featured Products & Services

Tip Technology
Berry Metal’s patented Tip technologies come in an array of options, sizes, and nozzle configurations to optimize your BOF operation. Specially designed water passages optimize water velocities to provide optimal heat transfer resulting in efficiency and extending tip life. Berry Metal works with you to engineer the Tip oxygen nozzles to provide desired bath penetration and impact coverage that is right for your BOF operation.

Tip Types
- DuraForge™
- NEXTip™
- Forge Face
- Cast
Nozzle Options
- Cyclone™
- SRP™
- Compensated
- Converge/Diverge
Post-Combustion Lances
This state-of-the-art design allows steelmakers to maximize the heat energy in the furnace. It also is used as a maintenance tool to reduce and even eliminate Lance build-up or skulls as well as reduce build-up in the furnace mouth and cone areas. Allows for increased scrap consumption permitting greater flexibility in scrap-to-hot-metal ratios. Faster heat times from the increased heat generation created by “post-combusting” CO to CO2.
- The Double Flow Lance design has two oxygen control systems that permit independent control of the secondary oxygen for the most efficient combustion of CO to CO2.
- The Single Flow Lance design “splits” a percentage of the main oxygen for the post combustion oxygen and can be easily retrofitted into an existing BOF Oxygen Lance.
- Non-bending EverStraight™ Post Combustion Lances are designed with the Berry Metal Distributor Assembly with patent-pending internal reinforcement. The EverStraight™ design helps eliminate bending problems and can be used with Single Flow and Double Flow Lance Designs. East to retrofit any Lance.
Dual Flow Post Combustion Valve Trains
Berry Metal engineers and manufactures oxygen valve trains to optimize our PC double flow lances—custom designed to match your needs. We design, build, and provide installation, support, and commissioning for your facility. With the Berry Metal oxygen valve train, you can maximize your PC lance potential.
- Better vessel mouth deskull control
- Reduces CO emissions
- Accurate and adjustable Post Combustion oxygen flow rates
Hood Plug Technology
Berry Metal designs Hood Plugs in an array of configurations to keep emissions in the primary ductwork based on your facility setup. Floating on the lance barrel they form a physical seal at the hood-lance hole. We offer customized solutions for any shop. From basic top-hat style covers to fully integrated matched tapered plug and seat configurations with gas or steam suppression. We can help mitigate emissions from escaping the hood at the lance hole.

- Reduced emissions escape from lance hole
- Increases safety by reducing slag/steel splash out of the hood lance hole
- Protects lance carriage and hoses from slag/steel splash reducing maintenance
Sublance Technology
The Sublance is a great tool for BOF Steelmaking. It provides the operator with valuable process information with the convertor still in the vertical position. Typically, two Sublance readings are made during the blow, one during the blow for in-process data and one at the end of the heat for final readings. Hot metal temperatures, carbon content, oxygen and a slag sample are commonly taken with the Sublance. Steel bath height and the slag levels are also realized with a Sublance system. These readings are taken remotely without tilting the vessel and without interrupting the process.

Berry Metal designs, manufactures, and repairs water-cooled Sublances with the following options:
- Tapered lance tips
- Special Chrome coated barrel
- Specially designed Lance probe holders
- Proven long service life
- Quick dependable lance repair
Degasser Lances
Berry Metal designs, manufactures, and repairs Degasser Lances that provide top oxygen to combine with the carbon released in this process to produce CO. Berry Metal Degasser Lances are designed for your degasser configuration and can include a carriage lifting device and vacuum seal. Berry Metal also offers the following options with the Degasser Lances:
- Burner Option – This lance has Natural Gas and Oxygen ports to operate as a burner to keep the degasser vessel at temperature. There is a pilot with an ignitor that will light the burner
- Camera Option – A camera is installed in the Tip of the Degasser Lance utilizing purge to keep the camera lens clean. The camera provides real-time color video which provides pulpit operator with monitoring of the vessel during all phases of the process, from vacuum-on to oxygen blowing to alloy additions. Video imagery can also be collected during vessel pre-heating.
Lance Design & Repair
Berry Metal has a rich history spanning over 70 years of expertise and service within the steelmaking industry. We have established ourselves as a leader in the design, manufacturing, and repair of high-performance equipment, with a particular focus on water-cooled oxygen lances. These lances play a critical role in oxygen injection during the steel production process, helping to optimize efficiency, increase yield, and reduce energy consumption.
Berry Metal offers:
- First-class, timely repairs enabling us to meet immediate deadlines
- Excellent technical service
- High-quality welds on fabricated parts and supplied component parts
- All welders are certified in accordance with ASME Section IX
- Conformance to customer’s specifications and tolerances
- Convenient repair locations in Harmony, PA, LaPorte, IN, and Bay Minette, AL
- Delivery on special Berry Metal Company trucks is available
- Complete product failure analysis to help improve product performance, as requested
Berry Metal Lance design advantages:
- Double O-ring design provides protection from the intermixing of oxygen and water
- Internal slip joints to allow for thermal expansion and contraction resulting in no internal stress
- Modular design allows for easy inspection and repair